Thursday, July 13, 2006

Time to Cut Off Funding for Israel

Now that Israel’s military is attacking a sovereign country for a criminal act, it is time for the United States to pull the plug on international aid to our “ally”. Hezbollah guerillas kidnapped two Israeli soldiers. In retaliation Israel bombed the Beirut airport killing 35 civilians, wounding dozens more.

Israel considers the kidnapping an act of war. Besides the air assault it has imposed an air and naval blockade of its neighbor, a fledgling democracy. What procedures does the Israeli government undertake to declare war on the nation of Lebanon? Does the Prime Minister in their version of democracy have the ability to unilaterally declare war? Does it require a vote of their parliament, the Knesset?

What is the reaction of the United States, so intent on spreading democracy in the region? How will President Bush respond to the bullying of the fragile democracy in Lebanon? The last time regional troops entered a sovereign country Bush’s father drove the Iraqis from Kuwait.

Just 5 months ago the Saudi Foreign minister encouraged the United States to work with Hamas to avoid untold human suffering. President Bush ignored al-Faisal’s advice for the second time, his first prediction suggested an invasion of Iraq would destabilize the region and a risk of war is the partitioning of Iraq. He clarified his positions on Hamas and Iranian nuclear power generation in a recent interview.

Bush washed his hands of Palestinian leadership post democratic elections. Hamas captured the first Israeli soldier unleashing the Israeli revenge machine. The dogs of war run freely in the Gaza Strip and Southern Lebanon, courtesy of all parties involved. George stands idly by while the situation deteriorates according to his National Security Spokesperson. Frederick Jones said the Commander in Chief hasn’t spoken to any Middle East leaders in “the past couple of weeks”.

While I am disappointed in President Bush’s lack of leadership towards peace in the Middle East, my point to our elected leaders centers on funding for Israel. I don’t want one penny of my tax dollars going to support violence towards any of God’s children. If Bush wants to play heavy handed with money, he should do it both ways.

As far as war reparations, Israel owes the Palestinians a power plant and Lebanon some new runways. How you pay for the loss of a human life only God knows. My guess is many in the region want to pay for it with revenge. The cycle of violence continues in the region, escalated by that famous mountain biker George W. Bush. He continues to pedal furiously.

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