Saturday, May 06, 2006

Levels of U.S. Government Are Like Real People

Dear President Bush,

Those deadbeat citizens welshing on their bills have a government counterpart, the State of Texas which owes more than 900 claims totaling $13.2 million. The State has refused to pay even though legislators acknowledge the claims are legitimate. The head of the house budget committee simply said “We have chosen not to pay.” One creditor is the City of Bryan owed $273,000 for utility work provided the state back in 1999.

This leads me to the next level of government and its human analogy. The local government is the schister, the flim-flam artist, the con man with gun manufacturers their mark. Prior to passage of the new gun law, you stated that manufacturers needed relief from lawsuit happy plaintiffs. That local and city governments comprised the majority of suit bringers was conveniently left off the table. Your Justice Department works mightily to get those past suits dropped while cities press for their cases to be heard. Those trigger happy mayors even had the gall to meet recently to address gun proliferation.

That leads to the final level of government, the federal government, the dumb jock, the bully incapable of doing much other than throwing around its muscle. From South and Central America to the Middle East the heavy hand of U.S. policy continues to be swung. Vice President Cheney is landing a few more punches in Russia’s backyard before spiriting his way back for more domestic confrontations.

When you say you are doing the people’s business, I guess you are technically correct as you represent deadbeats, con men, and bullies. They comprise the minority of the population as evidenced by your approval ratings. Please consider doing the work the rest of us desire…

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