Monday, May 01, 2006

Prescription for Returning It, Guarantees “Mojo” is Gone

Dear President Bush,

Josh Bolton, your new White House Chief of Staff, has a plan to get your “mojo” back. There is a problem as the solution ensures that ever elusive “mojo” remains just out of reach. Josh has a two point plan. First relax, regroup, and recommit. The second is to have the President be more open with the media and public. This would be done by getting “the real person” out there more in the public eye.

Last summer the real person led on Energy reform, even calling the bill the President’s Energy Plan. Just last week under the glare of rapidly rising gas prices, the public leader referred to the bill as Congress’. You don’t get to be a stand up guy, by standing down.

Other hints as to the real person came later in the article. Mr. Bolten said you call him “Yosh and several other unrepeatable nicknames”. Your penchant for name calling, one up/one down humor, and win/lose hardball are already well known. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. That must be the reason Josh wants to “go back more on the offensive”. It is all he has.

I have two images for Josh as he considers his next moves, the neighborhood bully and the ugly American. No one likes the bully any better when he goes on the offensive. They may temporarily acquiesce, but real, mutual and cooperative relationships do not develop

The ugly American, when traveling abroad, expects people in a foreign country to speak English. Should the locals don’t understand, he just cranks up the volume speaking louder. It is not a particularly useful strategy as energy is wasted and comprehension not improved. Ask Karen Hughes.

I hope Josh doesn’t polish your bullying or ugly American skills. In my mind they need toning down, but that is just my opinion. Peace & wisdom.

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