Monday, May 01, 2006

The Era of CIA Backed Coups: Ending or Heating Up Again?

Dear President Bush,

As a student of history you likely are aware of the CIA’s role in various regime changes throughout the world. The first two interventions occurred in Iran in 1953 and Guatemala in 1954. President Dwight Eisenhower ordered the actions, purportedly to stem the communist tide. In reality he protected Western corporate interests. Elected Iranian and Guatemalan leaders challenged the franchises of large international businesses. In Iran President Mossadegh nationalized the British Anglo-Iranian Oil Company while Guatemala saw President Arbenz forcing the United Fruit Company to sell some of its unused land for distribution to poor citizens.

The current version of the story plays out right before our very eyes in Iran yet again, but we have to go further south in our modern day hemisphere to Venezuela and Bolivia. Oil and natural gas are the coveted resources. Historians suggest the era of CIA backed coups is over as dictators have learned to “coup proof” their regimes. Despite the State Department rhetoric Bolivia, Iran and Venezuela all have elected Presidents. Two are democracies while one is an Islamic Republic.

What do historians have to say about overthrowing democratic leaders? Often, one just has to wait for the next election. What happens when outside forces can’t wait until the next votes are counted? How do they tamper? They link to someone who can force the current officials to step down. Sometimes it is another government official with aspirations of promotion. Other times the military plays a role. Occasionally is it s popular person outside the current government institutions.

What are the Bush administration’s plans for messing with Bolivia, Iran and Venezuela other than name calling? Iran is a state sponsor of terror, while our South American leaders are leftists, populists or communists. The U.S. budgeted $75 to promote democracy in Iran. Is this guilt money to buy a free conscience for instigating the 1953 overthrow of Iran’s previous version? Or is it to grease some palms hoping someone solidly in the U.S. camp will step forward? Did we not learn our lesson from Mr. Chalabi in Iraq?

What is happening to topple Presidents Chavez and Morales? Sec. Rumsfeld visited a little farther north last fall, spending time with the Nicaraguan military. He seemed concerned that an unwanted regime change might occur in the near future. Was he priming the pump for a military intervention, should the wrong candidate win? Yes, the surreptitious method of overthrow happened to be democratic elections!

Is the era of CIA backed coups over for democracies as well as dictatorships? Write me back, I want to know.

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