Saturday, June 09, 2007

Bush's P.S. to Pope

On the trip home President Bush recalled yet another sin for which he failed to ask the Pope for absolution. He immediately called the Vatican but had to leave a message as Benedict XVI was toodling around in the Popemobile.

"Benedict, I need to confess about something else. My friends, corporate CEO's passed professional athletes and movie stars in total pay on my watch as President, while the little person was lucky to hang on to what they had. I bet that's why tithing to your church is down. You serve too many little people."

"Anyway, CEO's make roughly 180 times the rank and file employee, double the 90 to 1 ration in 1994. I can only confess to my part of this dramatic change. My staff is working on blaming it on Bill Clinton. In case they fail, can you pardon me for greasing the skids for CEO to rise 100% while median household income only went up 8.6%? If that were an NBA game it would be a blowout, a 91 point win. Now I could drink a toast to that!"

When he played the message the Pope shook his head saying "You have much to answer for my son."

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