Thursday, November 02, 2006

Great Tamperer Warns on Nicaragua

Oliver North of “arms for hostages” fame is warning about U.S. policy in Nicaragua given the democracy’s impending elections. In his October 6th column he wrote “official U.S. policy in Nicaragua has been blind to the realities of Nicaraguan politics.” Ollie cited the U.S. ambassador’s pressuring private sector leaders with potential reprisals for supporting the wrong candidate in the four way race.

Pre-election the State Department just issued a public announcement warning Americans not to travel to Nicaragua because of the prospect for “violent demonstrations” and “sporadic acts of violence”. Ollie and his entourage just visited the country and saw no reason for such a declaration.

Recall Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has visited the country twice in the last two years? In 2004 he met with military leaders and stressed the threat of a Sandanista resurgence. Donald failed to mention this takeover would come from democratic elections.

He returned in October 2006 for a meeting of defense ministers. Did Rumsfeld prime the pump for a Thai like military coup should Daniel Ortega win the Presidency? Stay tuned as the latest generation of tamperers extends it tentacles in Central America…

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