At least, that's the prediction for a tropical wave in the Caribbean Sea. Forecasters call for it to strengthen as it moves north-northwest. Low wind shear and high sea temperatures favor development.
Weather predictors could intersect with oil spill prognosticators. Matt Simmons said a hurricane could paint the Gulf Coast black. Oddly, the spill size has grown over several weeks to Simmons' like proportions, 100,000 barrels per day or greater.

Simmons predicts the well head is the problem, meaning the well bore has no integrity. Matt says it cannot be plugged via relief wells, only sealed via a bedrock fusing nuclear blast. NOAA research ship Thomas Jefferson reported:
Scientists observed several seeps of what appears to be natural gas in an area of known gas seepage, located to the southwest of the spill site.
Matt cited major health problems from the leak on the ship's crew. He projected those coming ashore in a hurricane.
There is benzene coming out of that stuff. If a hurricane finally blows up the Gulf, we could have millions of people die.
One Simmons prediction has come true, let's hope and pray the others are way off base.
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