Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Peter Orszag Not Sticking Around

Peter Orszag will leave the White House's Office of Management and Budget. The architect of health reform won't hang around for implementation. Who will throw things against the health care payment wall to see what sticks?

The White House will lose a Social Security expert. Obama's Deficit Commission will "save" Social Security and might need someone like Peter.

Watch where Orszag lands. The competition for his connections should be intense. Will The Carlyle Group's David Rubenstein hire Peter? They got along great in Peter's interview at the Economic Club of Washington, where Orszag stated:

I do try to see CEOs a lot, and so they’ll come in and give their perspectives, not only on their own businesses but on business conditions, hiring and what have you. They will often provide information. I don’t know that it sways a decision, but it informs a decision, as one would hope.

Which CEO will garner Orszag's services? Stay tuned.

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