Tuesday, June 01, 2010

BP's Oily Media Hire

Foul overlaps between Hurricane Katrina and BP's Oil Catastrophe arrive in thick, black waves. The latest darkness comes from BP's U.S. media hire of Anne Womack-Kolton.

BP engaged public relations giant, The Brunswick Group, on May 4th. Brunswick packages and sells access to the Obama White House through Business Forward. Like most lobbying/public relations firms, Red and Blue stars are in Brunswick's political stables.

BP plucked a Red Brunswick star, Anne Womack-Kolton, for their top media job. Brunswick remains on the PR job for BP. Womack-Kolton is backed by a powerhouse cast of BP lobbyists.

Bloggers are making hay over Womack's service as V.P. Dick Cheney's campaign mouthpiece in 2004, particularly her defense of Cheney's secret energy task force.

What I find interesting is her work as chief publicist for the Department of Energy during Hurricane Katrina.

NOAA cited the tremendous impact of oil spills after Hurricane's Rita and Katrina.

The spills, the largest from refineries and storage tanks, include six in southeast Louisiana designated by the Coast Guard as major (more than 100,000 gallons) and three listed as medium (10,000-50,000 gallons).

The Department of Energy made no mention of spills, focusing totally on production. President Bush approved oil loans and outright sales from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

The 9.8 million barrels of oil loaned under exchange agreements, combined with the 11 million barrels of oil sold, provided 20.8 million barrels of crude oil to U.S. refiners after Hurricane Katrina.

The second largest loan went to BP:

BP contracted for 2.0 million barrels of Bayou Choctaw sweet

Anne Kolton's DOE had BP's supply back during Katrina. As a full time employee, Womack-Kolton can cover BP's backside, which continues showing.

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