Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bill Clinton Shares Preference for Privates with Senate Democratic Caucus

President Bill Clinton carried several mantras into his meeting with the Senate Democratic Congress. First, he channeled Rahm Emanuel with "the perfect is the enemy of the good." Ironically Mr. Emanuel extended the invite to Mr. Clinton. The other inviter was Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid, submitter of a secret health bill over two weeks ago. It awaits CBO scoring.

Second, Bill echoed Denny Shelton, ex-CEO of Triad Hospitals circa 2007, and ex-Triad board member, Nancy-Ann DeParle. Shelton said American business cannot compete in a global economy under the burden of health care costs. Denny sold out. Shelton also said he wouldn't pay more in taxes to cover uninsured children, despite making over $40 million from Triad's sale.

President Bill Clinton privatized U.S.I.S., the security investigation arm of the federal government. It changed hands several times. The Carlyle Group flipped it for big money.

The Clinton Global Initiative is a public-private partnership orgy. His preference for privates is clear. Who did he encourage to join the Big Blue sellout before going to a fundraiser at the House of Blues?

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