Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama on Iran

The United States has a long history of tampering in politics of foreign countries. President Obama increased the military's black ops budget. How do those two facts intertwine in Iran? What is the CIA's role in the current protest scene? President Obama won't speak to this likely reality.

He does talk about the right of peaceful protest. Consider his track record in this area:

Police believed that protesters would run through downtown. More than 100 people were arrested in a clash with police that began after officers entered the park and confronted demonstrators.
That wasn't Tehran, but Denver, Colorado, the site of the Democratic National Convention.

A federal judge has upheld Denver’s plans to control protesters during the Democratic National Convention in August. Local and federal officials are setting up a so-called public demonstration zone they plan to fence off with chicken wire or chain link. Demonstrators had sought closer access to the convention site for demonstrations and parades. But the court said the plans don’t violate their First Amendment rights.

On this issue, candidate Obama remained silent. It extended to heavy handed police efforts:

Police say they began arresting people after demonstrators rushed them; the protesters say they were attacked.

A video shows her asking a question about the arrest of another man when the officer knocks her to the ground and says "Back it up, b----."

Citizens have the right for their vote to count. U.S. and Iranian leaders offer incapable systems. Iran has ballot stuffing, the U.S. voter caging and the "man in the middle" computer system. Each should hang their head.

People have the right to protest, to be heard. U.S. and Iranian leaders use force to constrain this right.

President Obama might have more credibility if he spoke up on America's failures.

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