The GOP played Barney Fife for eight years under the corrupt bleedership of President George W. Bush. House Republicans couldn't provide basic oversight for the NRCC during that time. CFO Chris Ward treated donor funds in a Bernie Madoff like fashion. Eric Cantor and company twiddled their thumbs while no audit was performed over five years. But they finally learned how to investigate, or steal CondeNast Portfolio's research.
Friends of Angelo included:
Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT)
Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)
Richard Holbrooke (Democrat, also on the AIG Board since 2001, Perseus PEU, Obama adviser on Afghanistan/Pakistan)
Donna Shalala (Democrat, also on numerous corporate boards)
James Johnson (Democrat, Fannie Mae's former CEO, sat on seven corporate boards & Perseus PEU)
Alphonzo Jackson (Bush's HUD Director)
V.I.P.'s received better deals than those available to ordinary borrowers. With five prominent Democrats and only one Republican, the GOP investigated.
WaPo reported:
I'm still waiting for answers to my Hurricane Katrina questions regarding the White House Lessons Learned report. The trail leads to D.C. based private equity underwriter (PEU), The Carlyle Group. George W. Bush sat on the board of Carlyle affiliate CaterAir in the early 90's. Brother Jeb landed a cush seat on Tenet Health's board after Bush omitted any mention of 34 hospital deaths, shared between Tenet's Memorial Hospital and renter LifeCare Hospitals, owned by the Carlyle Group. That's right, Republicans don't investigate their own.
The public is getting very, very angry.
Friends of Angelo included:
Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT)
Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)
Richard Holbrooke (Democrat, also on the AIG Board since 2001, Perseus PEU, Obama adviser on Afghanistan/Pakistan)
Donna Shalala (Democrat, also on numerous corporate boards)
James Johnson (Democrat, Fannie Mae's former CEO, sat on seven corporate boards & Perseus PEU)
Alphonzo Jackson (Bush's HUD Director)
V.I.P.'s received better deals than those available to ordinary borrowers. With five prominent Democrats and only one Republican, the GOP investigated.
WaPo reported:
House GOP Report Details Countrywide’s Efforts to Benefit VIPsActually, the investigation was done in May 2008 or earlier. House Republicans are a day late and a dollar short.
Executives at Countrywide Financial, one of the biggest names of the housing boom, routinely violated internal company policies to provide below-market rates on home loans to the politically connected and powerful, according to a congressional report to be released today.
I'm still waiting for answers to my Hurricane Katrina questions regarding the White House Lessons Learned report. The trail leads to D.C. based private equity underwriter (PEU), The Carlyle Group. George W. Bush sat on the board of Carlyle affiliate CaterAir in the early 90's. Brother Jeb landed a cush seat on Tenet Health's board after Bush omitted any mention of 34 hospital deaths, shared between Tenet's Memorial Hospital and renter LifeCare Hospitals, owned by the Carlyle Group. That's right, Republicans don't investigate their own.
The public is getting very, very angry.
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