Saturday, April 14, 2012

Re-requesting Budget Information

San Angelo City Council will recognize staff's award for pursuing financial transparency at the April 17 Council meeting.  I follow budget numbers for health insurance.  On November 17, 2011 I made the following information request:

When does Human Resources think they'll have updated health insurance budget numbers for 2011-2012 (based on council's recent decisions to make SACMC the exclusive provider under Aetna)?

Response on 11-17-11:

Adjusting the budget due to the Council’s Tuesday decisions will be handled during the budget mid-year presentation to Council. Finance generally does that around March of each year.
How does a four month wait factor into financial transparency?  As March passed, I re-requested updated health insurance budget numbers.

Update 4-20-12:  The City's initial response is "Our budget office said there has been no revised budget numbers for health insurance yet. I’m checking to see when or if there will be one."

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