Monday, June 12, 2023

Councilman Thomas Concerned about Turnover

City Councilman Harry Thomas expressed concern at the last Council meeting over the continued loss of key leaders in the Water Department.  He attributed turnover to pay scales but often people say "you can't pay me enough to work here."  That requires clarifying issues and coming up with strategies to deal with shared concerns.

Fortunately the Council is in the middle of its annual strategic planning process and would only need to take a slight detour to add "staff retention in priority areas" as a key objective.

Having watched this same Council ignore a deteriorating Animal Services during last year's planning process I am not sure Councilman Thomas will get wider support for his concern.  

Animal Services blew up as the budget neared approval from a roach infestation amidst horrific hoarding conditions.  The City Manager imposed a game plan for future operations.  Two months later Council allowed the shelter to shutter intake transferring loose animal responsibilities to citizens.  For many poor service turned into no service.  

The City has numerous buildings used to house thousands of animals multiple times a year.  City leaders want the Department of Defense to grant them millions of dollars to improve the City Coliseum and surrounding buildings.

City Council approved borrowing nearly $2 million in short term money, the vast majority for Animal Shelter renovations.  Oddly, the funds will have been paid back before the city begins spending significant amounts updating the building. 

Ad hoc nonstrategic interventions require the simple silence of City Council.  Councilman Thomas has spoken out.  How many will join him?

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