Tuesday, April 04, 2023

City Council Ignores, City Manager Insults Disability Champions

San Angelo's City Council approved the appointment of City Attorney Theresa James as Disability Coordinator by a unanimous vote.  Council ignored the recommendations of two citizen champions who've pushed the city to make San Angelo a more inviting place for citizens with disabilities.  

Councilman Tom Thompson attributed it to "personality conflicts," as opposed to legitimate concerns.  Neither citizen leader was allowed to refute Thompson's characterization in the meeting.

Council did not need to approve the item.  It could have set it aside and encouraged the parties to meet and work through concerns.  The city could've provided mediation support, if needed.  These leaders probably heard, "You pushed us to do better and we're pushing you aside."

Ignoring the disability community produced two local leaders, who rose up and pushed the city to do better.  Ignoring their feedback on the appointment of a disability coordinator is poor form and a reflection on city leaders' inability to listen.  That's not emotionally intelligent or smart governance.

Update:  Later in the meeting there was considerable interchange between citizens making public comment and members of City Council.  That was not allowed during the disability coordinator agenda item.

Council considered the appointment of an ADA Committee.  During that discussion City Manager Daniel Valenzuela derided the two local citizens who've pushed the city to do more for the disability community.  Valenzuela made it crystal clear the city's take is "you pushed us to do better and we're pushing you aside."  Sad.

Update 4-6-23:  One of San Angelo's disability champions asked how the city publicized its efforts to form an ADA committee?  She was insulted by both Councilman Tom Thompson and City Manager Daniel Valenzuela and not given the chance to respond to their allegations.  The City posted a news item on their website the day after the Council meeting requesting interested citizens contact the City Attorney.  I doubt they would have done this had that person not asked the question.

Update 4-18-23:  City Attorney and ADA Coordinator gave an update on ADA activities during the public comment portion of today's City Council meeting.

Update 4-23-23:  City ordinances state:

A city council member desiring to speak shall address the chair and, upon recognition by the presiding officer, shall confine discussion to the question under debate, avoid discussion of personalities and indecorous language, and refrain from personal attacks and verbal abuse. 

There is also language on the prohibition of harassment and one of those grounds is on the basis of disability. 

Update 7-19-23:  City Council issued a proclamation for July 26, 2023, to be designated as Americans with Disabilities Act Day.  The city's disability champions are in the picture with the Mayor.  

I hope they received an apology in between. 

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