Tuesday, June 15, 2021

STD Staff's "Closed" Clinic Lasted 15 months

As COVID neared in March 2020 the Health Department's nursing staff communicated internally on the closure of all clinics offered by the City of San Angelo, Immunizations, Tuberculosis, HIV and STD clinics.  

City leaders used a different word to describe keeping the HIV/STD clinic shuttered for nearly fifteen months.  Health Services Director Sandra Villareal used "postponed."

She started using postponed when she informed the City Manager and his assistants.

The public learned the clinics were closed when the city announced they would reopen June 7, 2021.

Not only did city management not inform the public they failed to mention this material fact during budget workshops.  Closed clinics allowed them to budget less in 20-21 for nursing in the midst of a pandemic.  At the time it made absolutely no sense. 

The use of weasel words and lack of transparency are not excellence in management practices. 

Update 3-27-22:  The City received over $385,000 in Section 1115 Waiver funds for the two fiscal years during which the clinic was "postponed."  The funding came from the federal government/state of Texas for a critical public health service.  Other local health providers were able to regain their footing and serve patients.   

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