Thursday, June 16, 2016

Conserrvative Approach to Estimating Water Suppy = Aggresive Water Billing

City Council will entertain a presentation on water supply next Tuesday.  Water Chief Bill Riley informed council on the city's approach to estimating future water supply.  His memo states:

The City’s Drought / Conservation Plan implements different stages of drought levels based upon water supplies. This calculation takes into account our current and available surface supplies coupled w/ the minimum daily Hickory Groundwater pumping. CRMWD provides the number of remaining months for the City of San Angelo to continue bringing in water from O.H. Ivie. This calculation also takes a conservative approach by assuming a "no-inflow" scenario and also utilizes monthly evaporation rates established by the Texas Water Development Board for the area.
No-inflow and high evaporation rate assumptions mean the city enters drought levels much sooner than it did in the past.  Drought levels impose higher water rates on citizens.  As the drought level increases so do water prices.  A conservative approach to projecting water supply is an aggressive approach to billing San Angelo water users.

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