Federal disclosure statements show Dennis Ross, Obama's Special Envoy for the Persian Gulf, received $214,605 in speech money from Israel and Jewish groups in 2008. He also received $230,000 from Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a pro-Israel think tank.
Dennis' total income was $818,000. His Fox News pay is not included in the total. USA Today reported:
Ross declined to disclose appearance fees paid to him byFox News , saying they were subject to a confidentiality agreement.
Who knew a corporate contract nullified U.S. financial disclosure law? Welcome to the Corporatocracy! Evidence? Dennis spoke at various corporate events:
Deutsche Bank-Washington, DC $12,000
Goldman Sachs-Bluffton, South Carolina $10,000
Stanford Financial Group-Washington, DC $18,000
PIRA Energy Group-New York City $10,000
TransAtlantic Institute-Brussels, Belgium $20,000
Tudor Investments-Miami, Florida $10,000
Fox News-June-December 2008 *Fees not reported per confidential agreement
Will Dennis have to give back his $18,000 fee from ponzi scheme Stanford Financial? Ross also provided geopolitical analysis for PIRA Energy Group ($15,000) and SAC Capital Advisers ($17,500).
Dennis is Chairman of the Board of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Is this the background America needs to solve its thorny problem with Iran?
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