Friday, March 11, 2011

Adding ASU & Howard College

Proposed budget cuts by the Texas legislature total $244 million for the Concho Valley (plus Runnels County).  An additional $15 million will come out of the hide of Howard College and Angelo State University.
HHS-- $206 million
Public Education--$23 million
Higher Education--$15 million
Cuts are from 2010-2011 state budget spending.  Higher education cuts add to Tom Green County's misery, making the total now $207 million or $1,907 per citizen.:  

Scroll down for posts with HHS and Public Education cuts by county.  The big picture should be seen.

Update 3-14-11:  SAISD said cuts will be between $9 and $12 million per year.  This is much higher than CPPP's estimate of $7 million for Tom Green County.  It adds $11 to $17 million to the Concho Valley total, now $255 to $261 million for the biennium.   That's a quarter of a billion for mostly rural Central West Texas.

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