Friday, March 19, 2010

Health Care Reform Misery Milestones

Much attention is paid to the overall impact of health reform, as scored by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Two coverage line items bear closer examination. They are those with employer coverage and Medicaid/CHIP. CBO shows

Employer Coverage:

2010-- 150 million with employer coverage
2008-- 176 million with workplace insurance (Census data)

Twenty six million working Americans will have lost employer sponsored health insurance if CBO's initial projection is correct. Another 13 million lose it between 2016 and 2019. CBO expects employers to add 14 million to their insured rolls between 2011 & 2015.

Medicaid & CHIP

2011-2013-- 6 million people lose Medicaid & CHIP coverage.

Arizona is ahead of the game, eliminating its children's health insurance program and cutting back on Medicaid eligibility.

The pain for millions won't be relieved until 2014. Radical change is here and no, you can't keep your doctor or your plan. At least 32 million of you can't.

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