President Bush favors "private" health insurance. The employer sponsored version is going the way of the buggy whip. With government also dragging its knuckles, that leaves you to pick up the cost. Unions want to be the large group purchasers of coverage, giving them relevancy in the 21st century. But guess who's stuck in the middle, like the little girl above? The average citizen.
Don't look to our elected officials for help. One only need look at the Board of Directors of WellPoint, a huge health insurer, for insight. One chair is occupied by William H.T. Bush, also known as Uncle Bucky by our current veto-er in chief. Next to Bucky sits Susan Bayh, wife of the Democratic Senator from Indiana, Evan. Their family income received numerous boosts the last few years from Susan's flipping her stock options for nearly $1.5 million in profits. The cooling chair next to her, used to be occupied by President Bush's number one economic advisor, Al Hubbard. Al's SCHIP advice has been widely panned as inaccurate by a number of conservative Republicans, Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Pat Roberts of Kansas.
Mr. Hubbard exercised his stock options after his appointment. WellPoint gave his finances a nearly $1 million boost. Might Al want to get back on the board after his term in public service? The sooner, the better. That way George might get some real world advice, not platitudes from cushy board room seats.
Don't look to our elected officials for help. One only need look at the Board of Directors of WellPoint, a huge health insurer, for insight. One chair is occupied by William H.T. Bush, also known as Uncle Bucky by our current veto-er in chief. Next to Bucky sits Susan Bayh, wife of the Democratic Senator from Indiana, Evan. Their family income received numerous boosts the last few years from Susan's flipping her stock options for nearly $1.5 million in profits. The cooling chair next to her, used to be occupied by President Bush's number one economic advisor, Al Hubbard. Al's SCHIP advice has been widely panned as inaccurate by a number of conservative Republicans, Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Pat Roberts of Kansas.
Mr. Hubbard exercised his stock options after his appointment. WellPoint gave his finances a nearly $1 million boost. Might Al want to get back on the board after his term in public service? The sooner, the better. That way George might get some real world advice, not platitudes from cushy board room seats.
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