Wednesday, May 13, 2015

San Angelo's Water Board Challenge!

The City's Water Advisory Board met for the first time in years today.  The list of names comes from the prior board never pulled together by Ricky Dickson in his term as Water Czar.  Dickson is now the Super Public Works Director, over water, streets and nearly everything else the city under-funded for decades.  The man who never spoke up about the consequences of chronic under-investment will lead the recovery charge on all fronts.

There's a new Water Board in town and someday the City's website will include the current members.  No word yet from Councilman Johnny Silvas on why Paul Alexander is no longer on the board.  That's unusual from a representative so conscientious in getting back to citizens.

Pray for water, wisdom and current information to rain down on our fair city.

Update 5-14-15:  The Water Board webpage has been updated and is now accurate. San Angelo Live noticed the mismatch highlighted in this piece.

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