Thursday, October 16, 2014

City Sits on Hands while Republic Refunds

The City of San Angelo contracted out its trash and landfill franchises to Trashaway-Republic Services for the last two decades.  Republic's overbilling of commercial customers came to light during the RFP evaluation process, which would determine the trash and landfill operator for the next ten years.  The City abdicated its oversight role, yet again, allowing Republic to audit bills and issue refunds.  At no time dig City leaders call for or conduct an internal investigation into how Republic promulgated these unauthorized fees.  Will Wilde, Ricky Dickson and Shane Kelton all "oversaw" Republic's contract with the city.

Since the city has been hands off Republic can say things like:

All the amounts to be refunded were charged in good faith.

Possibly in good faith that Republic's profits would be maximized, but they did not conform to contract or city ordinance.  The unnamed international accounting firm isn't on record with their findings.  No letter has been made available to the public as to the scope and methodology of their work.

The city failed to explore how this overcharge in excess of $6 million occurred.  No investigative body is exploring the long term bilking of commercial customers.  It's all packaged for public consumption for Halloween, which is symbolic given Republic tricked commercial customers for ten years.   

A class action lawsuit is all that remains between Republic and clear skies.  Republic's legal response to the lawsuit closed with prayer.  Or is it prey-er?

Update 12-7-14:  The Standard Times reported trash customers reaction to the refund and higher trash fees.

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