Thursday, May 22, 2014

Silvas Trusts City Staff: Marcelli in for Animal Services

Councilman Johnny Silvas re-offered Linda Marcelli as his nomination for San Angelo's Animal Services Board.  He did so with full knowledge of Marcelli's past statements which include putting a bounty or payout for feral cats killed. 

Contrast the stance of Silvas' appointee with the position of City Council candidate Jim Turner (courtesy of Concho Valley PAWS):

Catch neuter and release for feral cats has been effective in some cities but it has to be part of an active and effective enforcement and education program. We have to get better at providing free or at least low cost spay and neuter services so that extra pets aren't just abandoned to the streets. We have to show the public and government officials and workers that proactive programs actually cost less in the long run than the wait until some wheel squeaks approach we have today. Until we get a knowledgeable, active, better staffed and better funded animal services department and an active public education program the rest of your questions pretty much are dealing with window dressing. 

Marcelli is a step backwards from the knowledgeable, active animal services department referenced above.  She represents obstruction and the city's woeful status quo, which is reflected in another statement by Jim Turner. 

The kill rate is far too high but hasn't really changed much over the last decade. Funding for the animal shelter won't do any good until a wholesale house cleaning happens and better people get hired. Those that know the difference between herbicide and pesticide.

Local animal service group noticed the "first full term" appointment of Linda Marcelli, who previously served on the Animal Services Board from 2009-2013.  How does someone who served four years already obtain a first full term appointment in 2014?

Marcelli was not Silvas' only option.  The Councilman relied on City staff to push Marcelli over any alternatives.  He wrote in an e-mail.  

The City Staff were in total agreement with her appointment.  Many thought that she would bring a "balance" to the group as a whole.  

"Balance" is patently laughable for anyone who's listened to Linda in a meeting or read the minutes showing her uninformed, visceral and violent positions.

City staff want more of the same and Silvas delivered.  Any proactive work will continue to be done outside the city's auspices.  And it will be done by at least one longtime community member willing to serve, but not appointed. 

Linda Marcelli vowed to block the group working to officially establish feral cat colonies every step of the way.  If city staff can't conduct or support the work, please quit blocking those who do with their own time and personal resources.  That also applies to Councilman Silvas' new appointee to the Animal Services Board. 

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