Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Council Gives Development Consultant Six Months

City council 12 17-13 downtown development plan from City of San Angelo Texas

The Standard Times reported:

The City Council advanced San Angelo’s Downtown Development Master Plan without dropping a cent.  The council voted to give Catalyst Urban Development a 180-day window to seek investors and developers for three pieces of city property in areas between Oakes Street and Irving Street and Edgewater Inn.  The city won’t spend any additional money on the plan during that span.

The second phase, estimated to cost at least $60,000, involves developer outreach, identifying fundraising strategies, property acquisition and market outreach.  The council will vote on advancing to the second phase at a later date.
I didn't expect this council to be as free with development dollars at the last one.  It will be interesting to hear the discussion at that later date.

Update 5-27-14:  San Angelo's Downtown Development Council and the City will conduct a special meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday, June 5, in the McNease Convention Center to discuss and consider the next steps to executing the strategies outlined in a master plan for continuing the revitalization of downtown San Angelo.

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