Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rallo Reinstates Honors Program

“A strong honors experience at ASU remains an important aspect of our academic strategic planning process."--Dr. Joe Rallo, President-Angelo State

In other words, ignore leadership's recent tire squealing, smoke-belching skid and 180 degree turn. Three novice VP's obviously had no appreciation for ASU's strong honor. 

Speaking out makes a difference, according to Rallo.

I have been approached by several individuals who have expressed keen interest in helping to support and sustain an honors experience at the university.

Dr. Rallo didn't give credence to the many students, faculty and community members who spoke out on behalf of the program or dissected leadership's logic (or lack thereof).  I have to believe some offered support, or threatened to remove existing support, based on the passionate reaction of people involved.

The end result:  the program is saved, until August.

“The Honors Program, including its curriculum, scholarships, staffing and physical location, will be immediately reinstated.”

I wonder how many staffers and students ASU lost in the period of management indecision?  It remains to be seen what Honors "looks like" come Fall.

Update 5-8-12:  ASU's Rampage gave an update on the Honors Program   President Rallo stated "There were very few real honors classes, [but] mostly research.  Research is good, but that's not what the Honors Program is all about."  Later the article offered,  "Rallo said the Board of Regents approved $1 per student-credit-hour per student, which will pay for undergraduate research opportunities for all students on campus who choose to engage in research.  The money will be administered by the Honors director, but will benefit everyone."

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