Shelter Chief Morgan Chegwidden's big project was defending the city's "Let them roam unaltered" policy regarding loose dogs, now at third world levels in most neighborhoods. She did so at the 12-3-24 City Council meeting. A question arose about the relationship between the shelter and Best Friends Animal Society. Morgan said the city did not have a signed partner agreement.
She did not share any of the following collaborations (current since 11-1-24):
- Bite investigation course - COSA staff to attend BFAS course
- Sharing COSA Animal Control cases for last FY -- BFAS to heat map
- BFAS virtual rounds training with the shelter medicine team -- Animal Shelter and CV PAWS
It sounds like a partnership, smells like partnership, and reads like a partnership. This is not the first time Morgan has been less than forthcoming in this area.
Council deserves openness and honesty. It isn't getting it and has not for quite some time. That's not a great foundation for going forward.
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