Friday, January 21, 2022

Tom Green County Hits 3.000 COVID Hospitalizations

The City of San Angelo Health Department Friday report showed over 3,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations since the pandemic began.  COVID deaths to date are 492 people.

Becker's Hospital CFO Report showed hospital charges for COVID cases by state.  Texas is the fourth highest state in the U.S., averaging over $378,000 per complex COVID case.

Assuming all local COVID deaths resulted from complex cases. 492 times $378,052 totals $186 million.

Noncomplex cases in Texas averaged $63,647 per hospitalization.  Our local 3,007 hospitalizations less the 492 deaths equals 2,515 noncomplex cases.  2,515 times $63,647 equals $160 million.  

Complex and noncomplex cases combined for Tom Green County is a projected $346 million.   The number may be lower if Shannon's charges are below the state average, however it is likely in the hundreds of millions.

Our community's cavalier approach to COVID-19 has had a real cost.  How much death and hospitalization expenses could have been prevented?  

The Friday COVID report showed 77 patients in the hospital with 13 in the ICU.  Some residents may be done with COVID but the heartache and cost remains.  

Update 1-25-22:  The city reported 4 COVID deaths today and 88 patients in the hospital.  Yesterday, the city stated 68 patients were in the hospital for COVID-19.  That's a jump of twenty patients in one day.  It can be seen in the hospitalization graph.

Update 1-26-22:  Hospitalizations reached 95 today. An unvaccinated Irion County man in his 40's died from COVID.  COVID deaths total 498.

Update 1-31-22:  Deaths stand at 504 with 80 patients currently hospitalized.

Update 2-2-22:  Deaths reached 509 today with 76 in the hospital.

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