Thursday, March 09, 2017

Pets Dying on Old Christoval Road

Over the last two weeks dogs have killed numerous pets in the Old Christoval Road/Glenmore Park area.  On Monday, February 27th a citizen found five dead cats, a dead fox and numerous pet body parts.  The citizen took them to a local veterinarian hoping to find the cause.

That very night I personally saw three dogs in the area where the five bodies were found.  One dog was aggressive to small animals and clearly hunting for more prey.  I saw the other two running nearby.  We called the police non-emergency number and filed a report.  The police wanted to know the results of the veterinarian's testing as to cause.

Neighbors up and down Christoval Road began communicating about the situation.  They learned that two small dogs had been killed in a resident's fenced in backyard.  This occurred before the mass mauling last Monday. Others found their outdoor cats dead in their yard.

The carnage continues nearly on a daily basis.  One concerned citizen and dog lover saw two different packs of dogs this past weekend.  She and a neighbor found another dead cat during their tour of the neighborhood and called the police non-emergency number.

Just yesterday a resident heard dogs barking loudly as they chased his outdoor cats at 5:00 am.  He did not contact the authorities.

The veterinarian determined a number of the cats died from injuries obtained from an animal attack.  Several others were puzzling in that it appeared the cats died prior to being mauled.  The vet sent out samples for more testing.

Yet another cat died this evening with evidence of significant trauma.  It's clear the majority of the thirty pet deaths in this neighborhood the last two weeks are from dog attacks. 

The loss of beloved pets is serious.  I am aware of at least three phone calls to the San Angelo Police Department over this period.  These calls were made after hours when Animal Control Officers are not available to members of the general public.

Dog packs are running up and down the river on a regular basis.  So far the small moving creatures they've targeted have been pets.  That could change and a small child's life could potentially be in danger.

Update 5-28-17:  The Standard Times ran a story on the city's problem with aggressive dogs and dog packs terrorizing neighborhoods. 

Update 11-4-22:  Street dog packs are back as the Animal Shelter closed off dog intake for the rest of November.  Councilperson Lucy Gonzales noted "dog packs and numerous cats" as she drives around city neighborhoods.

Where is the concern on city's part about Public safety? Feral dog packs running loose, putting other pets and children at risk, the threat of rabies, etc., which is why Animal Control exists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should pay attention about this and don't take it for granted especially they mention that many animal have killed by the attacks. My pet died because she was attacked also by the other dog and after her pet cremation houston tx we tried to get another pet from the shelter and it's a big help to me to divert my grief. Thanks you for sharing.