Friday, August 12, 2016

MedHab's New Website Is Up

MedHab's website finally finished construction.  For three years the public saw a graphic that said "Under construction..  Check back with us soon.". 

Their new site listed MedHab's Advisory Board members but not it's Board of Directors.  The website bio for Alvin includes:

Alvin was elected the Mayor of San Angelo in December 2009.  He served in that capacity until June 2013.  His other activities include serving in several areas for Texas Tech and Angelo State, investing in and mentoring small businesses and operating 4N Ranches.
San Angelo's ex-Mayor Alvin New sits on both of MedHab's boards.  Board of Directors member NNNN LP is the very same Alvin New.

The City of San Angelo signed a $3.6 million economic development agreement with MedHab in August 2012.  This occurred under Alvin New's mayoral service.  

MedHab has taken little of their potential economic subsidy from the City of San Angelo.  The company's new website may indicate MedHab has more developments to share. 

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