Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thirteen Senators Can Be Eliminated, Eighty Seven Remaining Millionaires Deserve Pay Cut

The Senate voted 52-35 to bring up the auto bailout bill, short of the 60 votes needed to advance the bill. Eighty seven senators voted, leaving the total thirteen short.

If American auto workers need to be reduced in numbers and wages moved to the average paid foreign car employees, then Congress should lead by example. How many fired Senators would send the right message? And how much can we cut pay for the millionaires enriching their families via their plum political patronage?

People are livid over America's sorry leadership at all levels. Greed killed investing and it's taking a serious toll on politics. A pox on the Capital and the White House as they pursue the lowest global common denominator on pay and benefits, political and business leaders excepted.

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