Monday, September 02, 2013

Reporting TTU's Intended and Unintended Consequences

Texas Tech's "Do the Right Thing" program focused on ethics.  That means reporting concerns of animal cruelty, broken promises and outright lies by TTU administrators.   Such a report is below:

Those wishing to file reports based on their experiences and evidence can do so by clicking here.

Update:  Rather than install one way excluder doors that allow cats out but not back in, TTU's facilities management installed heavy duty anchors on the sheet metal barricades.  It's like fortifying cockpit doors with the pilots permanently trapped inside.  I'll post pictures soon.

Update 9-5-13:  Texas Tech gave the following response via Ethics Point:
"Sep 02, 2013, 1:54 PM  Comment: Thank you for using the Ethics Point reporting system and for your additional information. We are currently looking into this matter."  I then "requested "a formal reply to concerns stated in this report."

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